Hi Friends! This is one of my favorite meals

Hi Friends! It's been a little quiet here on ThePaleoPrincess front, hasn't it? About two weeks ago, Robby (my boyfriend) and I adopted a dog. He's a beautiful dog (a little biased maybe) and the sweetest thing ever. However, he's about a year old and is a bundle of energy which is where his name, "Joules", comes from. The last couple weeks have been a period for adjustment not only for us but for Joules as well. We quickly found out that he needs to runfast and far. He's got us running and biking him for about 2 miles every morning. In addition to a new family member, the last few weeks have also involved the start of my master's program in Monterey, CA. As you can see, things have been a little bit "stormy" (in the best way, of course).

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This recipe comes from a dinner I made when things we're a little more calm around here. This is one of my favorite meals I've made recently. After having cauliflower for two nights in a row, sweet potatoes seemed like a good option and oh boy oh boy did they go perfectly with the beef! Mmm..my mouth is watering just thinking about that meal. Hopefully your mouth will water like mine after you try it!

Here's what you need:

2-3 pounds of beef short ribs (grassfed is ideal but second best is organic)

1/2 yellow onion

3 cloves of garlic

8 oz beef broth

16 oz basil tomato sauce (I got mine at Trader Joe's)

1-2 tablespoons of olive or grapeseed oil

Here's How:

1. First off, get all the stuff you'll be adding into the pan ready. This means cutting up the onion into tiny squares, coarsely chopping up the garlic and measuring out the tomato sauce and beef broth. Also, get out that deep skillet for this. You'll be glad you did.

2. Now that all the prep work has been taken care of, it's time to get some tasty meat going! Heat up your pan to high heat. Once heated, add oil, wait a minute for the oil to heat up and then place the ribs into the pan. Brown all 4 sides of each rib piece. This will probably take about 1-2 minutes per side.

3. Once browned, you will have some excess fat pooling in the bottom of the pan. If you had grassfed beef, this will probably be minimal and you might not even really have enough to drain. If you DO have lots of fat, do your best to drain it out. You won't want to be having that in there.

4. Add the broth, tomato sauce, onions and garlic and make sure it coats the meat even if it's just a teeny bit. Bring the heat down to medium-high and then once boiling, bring down to a simmer. Put the lid on and let it simmer away for about 2.5 hours. You will definitely want to come in and check on it from time to time and flip the meat over when you do. At the end of 2.5 hours (I sometimes like to let it go for 3), you will have some nice and tender meat to eat!

Pair with a salad and maybe some mashed cauliflower or sweet potato. I must say, though, that the mashed sweet potatoes make for a SUPER tasty side.

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Posted in Cleaning Services Post Date 10/08/2016






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